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“Luminary is a one-of-a-kind company that is becoming the home for artists with a unique point of view, from Dave Chappelle and Roxane Gay to Russell Brand, Lena Dunham, and Guy Raz.

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Two additional new members will also join Jealous on Luminary’s Board of Directors – Heather Hiles and Mara Buxbam. The company also announced Pilot Boy Productions, owned by Chappelle, has invested in Luminary and joined Luminary’s Board of Directors, with its seat filled by Ben Jealous. Luminary announced today that Rishi Malhotra – co-founder and former CEO of JioSaavn, and Vice President at HBO – joins Luminary as CEO to shape its new vision as the premiere audio platform for the world’s most thoughtful talent, including Dave Chappelle.

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