Diy gifts for gay men

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If tomorrow’s forecast calls for snow, the lights will turn to an animated light and blue light scene. What can these lights do? Well, I have mine hooked up to IFTTT for a number of different functions. The lights are brilliant, and they add a nice techy-touch to any room’s decor.īut on top of being just good-looking lights, they can be functional as well, as the Nanoleaf app works with Amazon Echo, Google Home, Siri, Apple Home kit, and my personal favorite, IFTTT. The starter kit comes with 9 large, LED triangles that can be arranged however he feels like arranging them (as long as they’re connected to each other).

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It’s an incredibly cool smart lighting system that’s controlled via an app on your phone, and it spits out 16.7 million colors and ranging from 1200K-6500K white light. I can’t stress enough how much I’ve fallen in love with my Nanoleaf Light.

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